
Canadian Immigration Lawyers

The information regarding Immigration consultants does not apply to lawyers. Because provincial and territorial law societies (the professional bodies, governing the practice of law in Canada) already regulate their profession with long-established membership standards, codes of conduct, and effective complaint mechanisms and already are in the position to address unethical or illegal activities by their members, lawyers are not required to be members of the ICCRC. They are recognized by Citizenship and Immigration Canada and authorized to deal with the Department.

If you would like to verify Abrams & Krochak’s authenticity and the firm’s ability to represent you before Citizenship and Immigration Canada, you are welcome to contact the Law Society of Upper Canada, which is the governing body for lawyers in the Province of Ontario, Canada. Their telephone number is: (416) 947-3300; their e-mail address is: lawsociety@lsuc.on.ca and their website is: http://www.lsuc.on.ca. As professional lawyers, Abrams & Krochak have a professional obligation to act in clients’ best interests and can be professionally disciplined for failure to do so.