
Canadians want fair refugee system: Report

Months before the Harper government proposed revamping Canada’s refugee system, it was warned Canadians likely would balk at any move to treat asylum seekers differently, depending on their country of origin. Most Canadians want the refugee system to “err on the side of fairness,” said a report commissioned by the federal government. The research was […]

Durban refusal a good call

Jason Kenney, Minister of Immigration in the Conservative party cabinet, has announced that Canada will not participate in Durban III, an international conference supposedly convened to publicize and criticize human rights violations around the globe. In fact, the past two conferences have been convened almost entirely to demonize the state of Israel. Canada was the […]

Honest immigration officer returns $10K to Canada-bound Filipino

Overcoming the temptation to use the money for his cancer-stricken mother’s hospital bills, an airport immigration officer returned the $10,000 left on his desk by a Canada-bound Filipino passenger. Immigration officer Amando Amisola admitted in a radio interview Monday he was tempted to keep the <span>money</span> but eventually decided he had to do the right thing. “Honestly […]

Refugee wannabe wants more time.

Randy Quaid needs more time to review bulging Canadian government files on him that are already eight-centimetres thick, an immigration hearing was told Tuesday. Quaid’s Vancouver lawyer, Catherine Sas, said the number of pages is growing so rapidly she can’t keep up. “The government’s disclosure has been voluminous,” said Sas. The government, which wants to […]

Minister Kenney Issues Statement Recognizing Eid al-Adha

The Honourable Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, issued the following statement recognizing Eid al-Adha: “Eid-al Adha is held during the month of Dhul Hijja, when Muslims undertake the Hajj – or pilgrimage – to Mecca. It is during the Hajj that Muslims remember and commemorate the trials and triumphs of the Prophet […]

Immigration minister says program to bring Afghan translators could be extended

CALGARY – Ottawa may extend its fast-track immigration policy for Afghan translators who help the Canadian Armed Forces and aid workers in Kandahar if troops remain in Afghanistan beyond 2011. Citizenship and Immigration Minister Jason Kenney said Friday it would make sense to continue the program for as long as such translators work with Canadians. […]