Save 20% on Your Express Entry to Canada!
Join Abrams & Krochak in celebrating our 20th anniversary this year. To celebrate, we are offering a discount on our legal fees for Express Entry Applications from 1,980 USD to 1,500 USD. That is a greater than 20% savings and we would like to pass the savings along to you! This limited time offer is […]
Toronto fourth-most livable city in the world, Economist says
The City of Toronto is fourth on the Economist Intelligence Unit’s annual list of most “liveable” cities once again in 2016, a spot it has held each year since 2009. The list analyzes five different categories: stability, healthcare, culture and environment, education and infrastructure, ranking 140 cities across the world each year. Toronto is behind […]
Ontario Civic Holiday
Abrams & Krochak would like to remind its clients that Monday, August 1, 2016 is a Civic Holiday in the Province of Ontario and offices, including our own, are closed. Our office will reopen for business, as usual, on Tuesday, August 2, 2016. If you have sent an e-mail to, regarding your file at […]
Canada Dominates World’s Most Livable Cities in 2015
Each year, the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) publishes a list of the top cities in the world in which to live. This year’s list was just published and 3/5 of the top cities were in Canada: #3-Vancouver, #4-Toronto, #5-Calgary. According to the EIU, these cities have “relatively few challenges to living standards,” and enjoy a […]
Toronto named best place to live by The Economist
Reproduced from the Toronto Star Toronto has been ranked the best place to live in a recent report on urban safety published by the Economist. It may not boast a winning hockey team, but Toronto topped a list of 50 cities all measured based on their placement in the Safe Cities Index as well as […]
Possibly Increasing Your Chances With Express Entry-For Clients of Abrams & Krochak
We are writing for three (3) reasons: firstly, to wish you and your loved ones a very Happy New Year; (ii) secondly, to thank you for your patronage in the past; and (iii) lastly, and most importantly, to provide you with valuable information, regarding Citizenship and Immigration Canada’s new Express Entry system, which could prove […]