Canada and Yukon Announce New Agreement on Immigration
The Honourable Diane Finley, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration for Canada and the Honourable Patrick Rouble, Minister of Education for Yukon, announced in May the new Agreement for Canada Yukon Cooperation on Immigration and launched a new immigration Web portal for the territory. The new agreement helps strengthen the partnership between the two governments to […]
Marrying a Canadian Citizen Requires Sponsorship for Permanent Resident Status
Many people that I have spoken with over the years are under the misapprehension that as soon as someone marries a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, that confers special status on the foreign spouse. Marriage to a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada confers no immediate status on anyone. Once married, it is necessary […]
Work Permits for Foreign Live-in Caregivers
In Ontario, employers wishing to employ foreign live-in caregivers are currently not required to advertise as there is no need to demonstrate to HRSDC that the employer is unable to find a suitable employee from within Canada before submitting the application to HRSDC. Once the signed offer of employment with a signature of acceptance from […]
Mandatory Language Testing on the Horizon?
If ever there was a reason not to delay applying for Permanent Residence in Canada in the Independent / Skilled Worker Class, here is a convincing one: there is a report that all immigrants applying to come to Canada as skilled workers could soon be forced to take a test to show they are proficient […]
Government of Canada introduces changes to work permits for international students
On April 21, 2008, The Honourable Diane Finley, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, announced changes to work permits for international students who graduate from eligible programs at certain Canadian post-secondary institutions, making it easier to attract foreign students to immigrate to Canada. Effective immediately, and for the first time, these international students would be able […]
Name Changes and the Permanent Residence Card
A Canadian immigration client wrote to me this morning to ask about a name change for her children prior to arriving in Canada with the immigrant visas. It is important to realize that the name that appears in one’s passport is the name that will appear on the Canadian permanent resident card. Unless one also […]