Canadian Immigrant Success:
Client Testimonials

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All comments have been provided by real clients, who have provided us with their contact information and permission to post their comments. If your country is not represented in the current list, please contact us.

1 Result(s) for Testimonials in Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina

Very knowledgeable, professional, efficient and transparent legal service was consistently provided by Mr. Krochak and his competent team. We were always clear on where we were in the process, what is required, and our expectations were managed with utmost straightforwardness. Financial gain of the organization was never the focus, rather taking us to our goal successfully. We were amazed with the end result - my husband received his PR papers 6 months from the date of application. We will forever be grateful to the competent and caring staff of AKCanada, and would highly recommend their services. Vesna & Omar Idzakovic

Mrs. Vesna Penava and Mr. Omar Idzakovic

Type of Application: Family Class
Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina