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V V-belt building supervisor - rubber products manufacturing TEER 2 92013 V-belt foreman/woman - rubber manufacturing TEER 2 92013 vacation camp counsellor TEER 4 54100 vacation camp leader TEER 4 54100 vaccine technician TEER 2 22110 vacuum bottle assembler TEER 4 94219 vacuum bottle exhaust machine feeder TEER 5 95109 vacuum cleaner assembler TEER 4 94202 vacuum cleaner repairer TEER 2 72421 vacuum cleaner repairman/woman TEER 2 72421 vacuum cleaner servicer TEER 2 72421 vacuum evaporation process plater - electronic equipment manufacturing TEER 4 94201 vacuum furnace operator - primary metal processing TEER 3 93100 vacuum-degasser process operator - primary metal processing TEER 3 93100 vacuum-metallizer tender TEER 4 94213 valet TEER 5 65329 valuation clerk - financial sector TEER 4 14201 valuation consultant TEER 2 12203 valuator-appraiser TEER 2 12203 valve buffer - rubber products manufacturing TEER 4 94112 valve spring coiler TEER 4 94107 valve spring winder TEER 4 94107 vamp stitcher TEER 4 94132 van assembler TEER 4 94200 van loader TEER 5 75101 vanity and kitchen cupboard installer TEER 3 73200 vanity and kitchen cupboard installer helper TEER 5 75110 vaporizer - plastic manufacturing TEER 4 94111 variable capacitor tester TEER 4 94201 variable resistor assembler TEER 4 94201 variety saw operator - woodworking TEER 4 94124 variety store manager TEER 0 60020 VariTyper operator TEER 4 14112 varnish maker TEER 4 94110 varnish maker helper TEER 5 95102 varnishing machine tender TEER 4 94122 vascular sonographer TEER 2 32122 vascular surgeon TEER 1 31101 vascular technologist TEER 2 32123 vat washer TEER 5 65311 vault attendant - financial sector TEER 4 14201 vault clerk TEER 4 14200 vault clerk - film library TEER 4 14300 vault custodian TEER 4 64410 vault repairer TEER 2 72999 vault servicer TEER 2 72999 veal grader TEER 4 94143 veejay (VJ) - video performance artist TEER 5 55109 vegetable canner - food and beverage processing TEER 4 94140 vegetable canning supervisor TEER 2 92012 vegetable dryer tender - food and beverage processing TEER 4 94140 vegetable farm foreman/woman TEER 2 82030 vegetable farm worker TEER 5 85101 vegetable gardener TEER 0 80020 vegetable grinder - food and beverage processing TEER 4 94140 vegetable grower TEER 0 80020 vegetable inspector TEER 2 22111 vegetable oil extractor TEER 4 94140 vegetable packer - farm TEER 5 85101 vegetable packing supervisor TEER 2 92012 vegetable picker TEER 5 85101 vegetable sorter - farm TEER 5 85101 vegetable thinner TEER 5 85101 vehicle cleaner TEER 5 65311 vehicle cleaner-coater TEER 4 94213 vehicle counter TEER 4 14110 vehicle servicing clerk TEER 4 14402 vehicle spring repairer - metal forging TEER 4 94105 vehicle technician - Canadian armed forces TEER 2 72410 vehicle upholstery repairer TEER 3 63221 velvet steamer - laundry and dry cleaning TEER 5 65320 vending machine assembler TEER 4 94204 vending machine assembly foreman/woman TEER 2 92023 vending machine driver-supplier TEER 5 75201 vending machine mechanic TEER 3 73209 vending machine repairer TEER 3 73209 vending machine sales representative TEER 4 64101 vending machine services sales representative TEER 4 64101 vending machine tester TEER 4 94204 vendor TEER 5 65109 veneer and plywood grader - wood processing TEER 4 94123 veneer clipper - wood processing TEER 4 94129 veneer cutter - wood processing TEER 4 94129 veneer dryer feeder TEER 5 95103 veneer dryer tender TEER 4 94129 veneer foreman/woman - wood processing TEER 2 92014 veneer grader TEER 4 94123 veneer grader - wood processing TEER 4 94123 veneer inspection foreman/woman - wood processing TEER 2 92014 veneer jointer - wood processing TEER 4 94129 veneer jointer operator - wood processing TEER 4 94129 veneer lathe operator TEER 4 94129 veneer matcher - wood processing TEER 4 94129 veneer patcher - wood processing TEER 4 94129 veneer reel tender - wood processing TEER 4 94129 veneer sander - woodworking TEER 4 94124 veneer slicer-lather - wood processing TEER 4 94129 veneer splicer tender - wood processing TEER 4 94129 veneer strip cut-off sawyer - wood processing TEER 4 94129 veneer taper - wood processing TEER 4 94129 veneer-slicing machine operator - wood processing TEER 4 94129 veneering foreman/woman - furniture and fixtures manufacturing TEER 2 92022 veneering shop foreman/woman - furniture and fixtures manufacturing TEER 2 92022 Venetian blind assembler TEER 4 94219 Venetian blind installer TEER 3 73200 Venetian blind maker TEER 4 94219 venetian blinds cleaner and repairer TEER 5 65311 ventilation man/woman - underground mining TEER 4 84100 ventilation system cleaner TEER 5 65311 ventriloquist TEER 5 55109 vertebrate zoology curator TEER 1 51101 vertebrate zoology museum curator TEER 1 51101 vertical boring machine operator TEER 4 94106 vertical boring mill operator - metal machining TEER 4 94106 vertical machining centre operator TEER 4 94106 vertical milling machine operator - metal machining TEER 4 94106 vertical press operator TEER 4 94105 vertical press operator - metal fabrication TEER 4 94105 vertical resaw operator - woodworking TEER 4 94124 vertical roll operator - metal fabrication TEER 4 94105 vertical-spindle milling machine operator - metal machining TEER 4 94106 vessel operator - foundry TEER 4 94101 veteran services officer TEER 2 42201 veterans' affairs field officer TEER 2 42201 veterans' services director TEER 0 40030 veterinarian TEER 1 31103 veterinarian assistant TEER 2 32104 veterinarian practitioner TEER 1 31103 veterinary anatomist TEER 1 31103 veterinary anesthesiologist TEER 1 31103 veterinary attendant TEER 5 65220 veterinary bacteriologist TEER 1 31103 veterinary dentist TEER 1 31103 veterinary dermatologist TEER 1 31103 veterinary epidemiologist TEER 1 31103 veterinary equipment and supplies salesperson TEER 2 62100 veterinary helper TEER 5 65220 veterinary inspector TEER 1 31103 veterinary internist TEER 1 31103 veterinary laboratory diagnostician TEER 1 31103 veterinary laboratory technician TEER 2 32104 veterinary medicine professor - university TEER 1 41200 veterinary microbiologist TEER 1 31103 veterinary neurologist TEER 1 31103 veterinary oncologist TEER 1 31103 veterinary ophthalmologist TEER 1 31103 veterinary parasitologist TEER 1 31103 veterinary parasitology biologist TEER 1 21110 veterinary pathologist TEER 1 31103 veterinary pharmacologist TEER 1 31103 veterinary physiologist TEER 1 31103 veterinary radiologist TEER 1 31103 veterinary surgeon TEER 1 31103 veterinary technician TEER 2 32104 veterinary technician supervisor TEER 2 32104 veterinary technologist TEER 2 32104 veterinary theriogenologist TEER 1 31103 veterinary virologist TEER 1 31103 vibration analysis technician - non-destructive testing TEER 2 22230 vibration technologist TEER 2 22301 vibration welder TEER 2 72106 vibrator operator - seismic prospecting TEER 5 85111 vibrator roller operator TEER 5 75110 vibratory compactor operator TEER 5 75110 vibratory road roller operator TEER 3 73400 vibratory roller operator TEER 3 73400 vice admiral TEER 0 40042 vice squad detective TEER 1 41310 vice-consul TEER 0 00011 vice-president - college or university TEER 0 40020 vice-president - financial, communications and other business services TEER 0 00012 vice-president - goods production, utilities, transportation and construction TEER 0 00015 vice-president - government services TEER 0 00011 vice-president - health, education, social and community services and membership organizations TEER 0 00013 vice-president - trade, broadcasting and other services TEER 0 00014 vice-president and general sales manager - trade, broadcasting and other services TEER 0 00014 Victoria Order nurse TEER 1 31301 Victorian Order of Nurses (VON) nurse TEER 1 31301 video and sound recorder TEER 2 52113 video archivist TEER 1 51102 video artist TEER 3 53122 video camera operator TEER 2 52110 video camera repairer - household and business equipment TEER 2 22311 video cassette recorder repairer TEER 2 22311 video control operator TEER 2 52112 video director TEER 1 51120 video equipment installation and repair technician - household and business equipment TEER 2 22311 video equipment salesperson - retail TEER 4 64100 video game art director TEER 1 51120 video game artist TEER 2 52111 video game producer TEER 1 51120 video game tester TEER 2 22222 video games project manager TEER 1 51120 video illustrator - multimedia work TEER 1 51120 video jockey (VJ) - television broadcast TEER 2 52114 video journalist TEER 1 51113 video maker TEER 1 51120 video producer TEER 1 51120 video production company manager TEER 0 50011 video recorder TEER 2 52113 video recording technician TEER 2 52113 video rental clerk TEER 4 64100 video rental store manager TEER 0 60020 video sound mixer TEER 2 52113 video store manager TEER 0 60020 video technician TEER 2 52113 video transmission operator TEER 2 52112 video transmission studio control operator TEER 2 52112 video-editing equipment operator TEER 2 52113 video-recording equipment operator TEER 2 52113 videographer TEER 2 52110 videojournalist TEER 1 51113 videotape editor TEER 2 52113 videotape postproduction editor TEER 2 52113 videotape recording (VTR) editor TEER 2 52113 videotape recording (VTR) operator TEER 2 52113 videotape technician TEER 2 52113 videotext operator TEER 4 14112 vinegar maker TEER 4 94140 vinegar maker helper TEER 5 95106 vineyard foreman/woman TEER 2 82030 vineyard manager TEER 0 80020 vineyard pruner TEER 5 85101 vineyard worker TEER 5 85101 vinyl and asbestos-blending machine tender TEER 4 94110 vinyl fabrics inspector TEER 4 94110 vinyl floor installer TEER 3 73113 vinyl floor layer TEER 3 73113 vinyl lettering artist TEER 2 52111 vinyl pool installer TEER 3 73200 vinyl roof installer - motor vehicle manufacturing TEER 4 94200 vinyl tile layer TEER 3 73113 viola teacher - private, conservatory or studio lessons TEER 1 51122 violin maker TEER 3 53124 violin repairer TEER 3 73209 violin teacher - private, conservatory or studio lessons TEER 1 51122 violinist TEER 1 51122 virologist TEER 1 21110 virology technologist TEER 2 22110 viscose filter operator TEER 4 94110 viscose filtration foreman/woman - chemical processing TEER 2 92011 viscose maker TEER 4 94110 viscose solution mixer TEER 4 94110 visible minorities policy officer TEER 1 41403 visiting homemaker TEER 4 44101 visiting nurse TEER 1 31301 visiting professor - university TEER 1 41200 visiting scholar - university TEER 1 41200 visiting teacher - elementary school TEER 1 41221 visitor information counsellor TEER 4 64310 visitor interpretation services coordinator - government TEER 1 41402 visual arts artist TEER 3 53122 visual arts department chairman/woman - university TEER 1 41200 visual arts department chairperson - university TEER 1 41200 visual arts department head - university TEER 1 41200 visual arts teacher (except primary, secondary, post-secondary education) TEER 3 53122 visual display stylist TEER 4 64100 visual effects (VFX) artist TEER 2 52111 visual effects (VFX) production manager TEER 1 51120 visual effects producer TEER 1 51120 visual effects technical director - motion pictures TEER 1 51120 visual flight rules air traffic controller TEER 2 72601 visual graphic designer TEER 2 52120 visual inspection technician - welding TEER 2 22230 visual language interpreter TEER 1 51114 visual merchandiser TEER 4 64100 visual orthesis technician TEER 2 32100 visual orthotic device technician TEER 2 32100 vital statistician TEER 1 21210 viticulturist TEER 0 80020 vocal music teacher - private, conservatory or studio lessons TEER 1 51122 vocal soloist TEER 1 51122 vocalist TEER 1 51122 vocational counsellor - education TEER 1 41320 vocational counsellor (except education) TEER 1 41321 vocational education director - government services TEER 0 40010 vocational evaluator TEER 1 41321 vocational evaluator occupational therapist TEER 1 31203 vocational guidance counsellor - education TEER 1 41320 vocational guidance counsellor (except education) TEER 1 41321 vocational high school principal TEER 0 40021 vocational high school teacher TEER 1 41220 vocational institute teacher TEER 1 41210 vocational rehabilitation consultant TEER 1 41321 vocational rehabilitation counsellor TEER 1 41321 vocational rehabilitation professional TEER 1 41321 vocational rehabilitation specialist TEER 1 41321 vocational rehabilitation unit manager TEER 0 40030 vocational school administrator TEER 0 40020 vocational school director TEER 0 40020 vocational school manager TEER 0 40020 vocational secondary school teacher TEER 1 41220 vocational teacher - secondary school TEER 1 41220 vocational trainer TEER 1 41210 vocational training director - government services TEER 0 40010 vocational training director - human resources TEER 0 10011 voice coach TEER 3 53121 voice communication system operator TEER 4 14101 voice teacher - music TEER 1 51122 voice teacher - private, conservatory or studio lessons TEER 1 51122 voice-over actor TEER 3 53121 volcanologist TEER 1 21102 volleyball coach TEER 3 53201 volleyball player TEER 3 53200 voltage regulator maintainer - electrical power system TEER 2 72202 volume counter – mail and postal services TEER 4 64401 voluntary organization executive director TEER 0 00013 volunteer manager TEER 2 42201 volunteer services director TEER 0 40030 Votator heat exchanger tender - food and beverage processing TEER 4 94140 voucher clerk TEER 4 14200 vulcanization supervisor - rubber products manufacturing TEER 2 92013 vulcanization worker - rubber products manufacturing TEER 5 95104 vulcanizer - rubber products manufacturing TEER 4 94112
National Occupational Classification a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z | 2 | 3 | 9